Supplier of the highest
quality daffodil bulbs and flowers
The company was founded by a progressive group of 31 south Lincolnshire bulb growers who saw the company as a means of ridding themselves of the worries and difficulties of marketing, so they could concentrate on what they know best, the actual growing of daffodil bulbs.
01/07/1964'Select Growers Ltd.' was renamed to the more familiar, 'Lingarden'.
01/01/1974This prestigious award came as a direct result of a highly successful export drive, having substantially developed the United States market in the preceding years.
16/04/1979By 1980 Lingarden had become the country's largest horticultural co-operative, with almost 100 members, having expanded its interests far beyond the confines of Lincolnshire. New members joined from bordering counties, and indeed from all daffodil bulb and flower producing areas, notably from Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and Ireland.
01/01/1980Lingarden Ltd. was acquired by Flamingo Holdings, and the Bulb Division continued to trade as a separate cost centre.
01/01/2005A management buyout of the assets of the Bulbs Division of Lingarden Ltd., a part of Flamingo Holdings, resulted in the creation of Lingarden Bulbs Ltd. and Lingarden Bulbs BV.
13/02/2006We market several thousand tons of daffodil bulbs, and over 10 million bunches of daffodil flowers each year, with approximately 70% of the bulbs and more than 90% of the daffodil flowers exported to the following countries; USA, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, Sweden and Denmark.